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BMW X5M REMAPPED in Hampshire


BMW X5M remapping in Hampshire

#monster . What a beast the #BMW #x5m is. But mapped with our stage 1 calibration installed on both ECU’s it turns in to a totally mental animal 😎

Standard 575bhp ➡️ 680bhp
AMTuning 680bhp ➡️ 850nm

AMTuning only uses premium maps and offer the following services. For best BMW remapping in Hampshire contact us now at our website.

Hydrogen Engine Cleaning
Performance, Blend, Eco maps
Stage 1,2 and more maps
Limiter Removal
Improvement in economy
Up to 40% more BHP
Up to 40% more Torque
Milltek, Scorpion Exhaust systems on request.
Professional friendly service
Fully Insured
Genuine Tools (Always check before using others)
Large range of tools to cover most vehicles
100amp Battery support, most use 25amp
Fully mobile, We come to you
South Coast Oxyhtech dealer

For more information please about our services and choices of remaps please message us or email via

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